3×30: Day 12 of 30 days of change – Exercise, health and websites
Quick run-down for today, a Sunday…
Item 12.1 was my first workout with the BowFlex. I posted about it too: Workout attempt #21-001 Stretching, chest exercises, cool-down and errors.
Item 12.2 was the establishment of my new fitness / health baseline. Some of the photos may be gag-inducing, but well, not much I can do about that. No photos, no accountability. And another post: Changing my body – Baseline 21-001.
Item 12.3 is back to my website. I have five questions outstanding after the recent changes, and most of the responses from tech support have been lacklustre responses. So, while I’m trying not to get stressed, I do want them answered in order. So I’ve been chasing them one at a time, and making sure I get the full answer before moving on.