3×30: Day 14 of 30 days of change – Website, workouts and exercise planning
Quick run-down for today, a Tuesday…
Item 14.1 was about my ongoing issues with my website. I hesitate to call them “issues” as they’ve been relatively minor each day. I’ve just had to keep after them to get it where I want it all to be. Today, everything is back up and running and on the right servers. It’s even better than it was before the crash. And I have experienced a recovery using my new backup system, which worked flawlessly. If I’d had the same experience 8m ago, I would have been lost for several weeks and circling the drain. Instead, I’ve been able to keep relatively calm throughout.
Item 14.2 was my second workout with the BowFlex. I won’t be blogging about every workout, but I did for this one as it is my first real run-through of the recommended routine. You can see the blog here (Workout attempt #21-002 Pre-stretch, setup, and pre-set routines).
Item 14.3 is also related to my workout as I’ve done some “planning” to improve the flow of the workout. I’ve reordered the 9 exercises (as laid out in the blog), but I also created a simple little one-page handout so that I can just look at the diagrams, maybe even post it on the wall, and run through the routine without having to click buttons or turn pages to know “what comes next”. I realize though that I haven’t logged my routine from this morning, so I’ll have to do that tomorrow to stay caught up.