#50by50 #12 – Share my HR Guide in deck form
I’ve been working on my HR Guide in varying forms for a long time. While I have wanted to share it as posts and eventually as a book, I haven’t made the time to finish it. There’s some simple and some complex reasons behind that, but regardless, I don’t have it in the full prose version that I want.
But last April, I was having a conversation with someone who basically said, “Oh, I don’t care if I get the prose yet, I’ll settle for the deck version you shared previously.”
Huh. I do HAVE a deck version, and it IS the basis for most of my prose. Just shorter. Way less complete. But done.
What if I shared that a bit more? So I did. And I went a step further. I uploaded it to my site, put it in a prominent place in the sidebar, and made it available to anyone who wanted to download it.
So how did that work out for me?
Well, just under 18 months later, I just surpassed 1000 downloads of it (1001 as of tonight).
I’m still working on the prose version, but I think 1000 downloads is worth including in my 50by50 achievements. Yay me!