L is for Lawless by Sue Grafton (1995) – BR00138 (2019) – 🐸🐸🐸⚪⚪
Plot or Premise

Henry asks Kinsey to help some neighbours file a benefits claim for a deceased veteran…seems simple enough.
What I Liked
Kinsey tries to help out, and gets sucked into the mystery…was the vet really a vet? Who keeps breaking into his old apartment? Why was he so paranoid in life? Why is she helping people she doesn’t really like? It’s fun watching her incrementally get sucked in more and more, so natural. And then she’s off to Dallas, following a man and woman who robbed the apartment.
What I Didn’t Like
The story reads more like a treasure hunt than a mystery or a case. It’s not terrible, but it’s not really a mystery, and most of the main characters lie every time they open their mouth, with none of the stories being particularly interesting.
The Bottom Line
Okay story, not much of a case or mystery.