Series premiere: Colony – 2016/17
Colony is an interesting premise — aliens have invaded earth, taken over everything partly through more advanced technology, and now life is continuing under occupation.
Episode 1 introduced how many people are coping — some are collaborating and doing just fine. Others are struggling just not to be noticed by the aliens and sent to a factory to work (never to return). The main couple for the show are stressed out — their son was in a different part of California when the aliens took over and they haven’t been able to find him. The husband works with some smugglers to try and infiltrate the next zone over, gets captured, and now is given a choice.
Work for the aliens and maybe see his son, or get dead. As a former police agent who specialized in finding people, the aliens want his skills put to use finding resistance fighters. ** Spoiler alert ** At the end of the episode, you find out that the wife is part of the resistance.
Interesting premise, but the gritty nature of the filming (a little Blair-Witch-ish at times) makes it tough to watch. Plus, you feel a bit like you came in halfway through the story — you don’t know anything about the aliens.
It remains to be seen if later episodes make it “Star Trek the First Encounter” or “WWII, life in occupied Paris” with an updated location.