If you know anyone named Paul, chances are that at some time in their life, somebody nicknamed them polliwog. In my case, it was my sisters. So, when I was looking for an online name to use, I chose: Shiva. The destroyer. A nice masculine-sounding, over-the-top, harsh persona. Not really me. Eventually, I fell back to something a little closer to my real persona, polywog/polliwog. And on an early platform, those spellings were already taken so I added a G. PolyWogg was born. AKA the tadpole. Sometimes the “typing tadpole” (if you’re visiting Reddit).
And, as my web life progressed, I switched over to a WordPress-powered blog — PolyWogg’s Blog. Recently, I separated the site into two separate sites:
- PolyWogg.ca — “The writing life of a tadpole”, aka a series of specific writing products such as my HR guide, reviews (books, movies, music, TV), recipes and trivia; and,
- ThePolyBlog.ca — “My view from the lilypads”.
This is my general blogging platform, where the views expressed are my own and nobody else’s. The topics vary across a pretty wide range of topics:
- Computers and my website;
- Family, personal experiences, etc.;
- Goals, ideas, learning and spiritualism aka “growth” writ large;
- Photography;
- Humour and quotes; and,
- Writing, publishing, and libraries.
My view from life around the lily pad, from cat tails to tall tales. I hope you enjoy your visit and find something of interest.