3×30: Day 6 of 30 days of change
Today was a very very very long day. So, some context.
I mentioned that on Saturday we went to the Van Gogh exhibit. Most people were sitting on the floor to watch the digital show, I decided to do so too rather than trying to stand for 30+ minutes, but tbh, I’m not that coordinated these days, if I ever was anyway. The end result was that as I tried to get down to the ground without embarrassing myself too much or landing on someone, I over-compressed a stomach muscle, and it feels more like I pulled it. So I’m in a bit of discomfort. If I try to sit up too fast, or do a crunch rather than a roll to standing, my stomach says, “Duuuuuuude, what the frak are you doing?”. It lets me know REAL quick. It’s not serious, but it’s not comfortable either and makes it hard for bending or lifting.
The second piece of context is that I have a guy coming to setup my BowFlex gym on Thursday, and the spot where it needs to go? It’s a small disaster zone. There are tons of things in the way. Some are things I’m still sorting, some go into the back part of the basement, but they’re all piled together and need to be sorted. And some of the material needs to go on the shelves I bought from IKEA last week. Except the boxes are upstairs, they’re not assembled yet, and the spot where they go is in the basement. Yeah, so that’s the setup.
Except for my knights and angels in the form of Jacob and Andrea willing to help me get them set up and going.
Item 6.1 is therefore the big plan for shelving. We opened box 1 upstairs, took the pieces down in separate runs, and Jacob and Andrea assembled unit 1. Great. I wasn’t entirely sure where to put it precisely, as there are five to be installed, and I was trying to figure out the best order to install them while moving existing desks out of the way (they go in behind). Annnnnnd I discover that somehow in all the different configurations of the order, with multiple versions not available, and taking what I could get, and feeling at the time like I got longer ones than I intended, the lovely shelving units which should have been about 6-8″ shorter than a lower part of the ceiling are actually about 1/2 cm too tall. Hello crickets my old friend. I’ve come to listen to you again.
Which is better than listening to my cursing at the realization. Now, I do, in fact, have an alternate option. At the opposite end of the room are three other units that would fit just nicely. Except there is a ton of stuff already ON them, and lots of stuff in front of them, and the stuff that is on them will all have to come off before they move, etc. Domino after domino. Anyway, I decided I would install two of the new ones on a different wall, plus one of the ones from the far wall (after taking everything off it and putting into bins), realigning everything, putting the desks back close to the spot and then calling it a day.
After supper, well, almost 10 o’clock tonight in fact, I decided that I would just rearrange my computers so they were set up for the morning (I had to disconnect everything earlier). But then I got possessed. A second wind came to me and I decided that I would move EVERYTHING out of the way and put everything that belongs in the basement’s backroom away on the shelving in there. And then move some other stuff around. Essentially completely clearing out the space for the guy coming on Thursday.
Then I rearranged all the desks, put a whole bunch of stuff on shelves, reconnected all the computer stuff, adjusted a few other areas, and now my office area is big and open too. I’ve tested my work computers and my home computer, everything seems back to normal. Three hours of fun and games late at night wasn’t in my original plan, but it felt good to blast through, and the stuff didn’t really affect my stomach muscles, surprisingly. Plus when it did, I rested right afterwards. All good.
For Item 6.2, I mentioned yesterday that I was setting up Scrivener for all my works-in-progress. I also wanted to set up a blank template that would implement the Save the Cat layout, as well as introduce some other elements that I’ve been designing for my “plotting” tools. Character charts, etc. Nothing too elaborate yet, but I’ve drawn from other sources, and merged it all into a single “novel” template. It seems to be working, and it was fun working on the new laptop the way I intend to for the future.
Item 6.3 is following up on the websites. I mentioned that three are up, just waiting for one more to return. I’ve played with it today a few times, and it isn’t quite there yet. Soon, I hope, and I poked the company again tonight.