3×30: Day 8 of 30 days of change
Another odd day working full out for regular work while trying to keep some momentum going at home.
Item 8.1 is still my website stuff. I thought I had it “fixed” last night. Then, this morning, I went to do something, and the problem was back. I took a break from work to go down a rabbithole for a bit, and and then kicked it to tech support. It’s fun talking to tech support about this kind of stuff. Here’s how the conversation goes…
Me: I have a problem with X.
Them: So you have a problem with your website not loading.
Me: No, I have a problem with X. The site loads just fine.
Them: Let me look into it.
Me: (Start typing out the stuff I’ve already tried…did A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H. Could be I or J, but I can’t adjust those, and I’m out of options. While I’m typing, they say, “Do A and B, that will fix it”.)
Them: … pause
Them: Okay, I see you’ve done A-H. Did D not help at all? No? Hmmm…
Them: Okay, well we can try I, and J, hang on.
Them: Okay, it’s fixed. Here’s the printscreen showing it loaded just fine.
Me: That part was always working. If you click HERE and then HERE, it doesn’t load. Here’s the direct link.
Them: Hang on.
Me: (hanging)
Them: Okay. I can replicate it. I’ll have to escalate this to L2.
Of course, this is after they have had five back and forths by email where they kept telling me to use the live chat because it is more efficient and faster. Yep, faster to get to the point where L1s can’t help, and only L1s work chat. They also assure me it is normally resolved in 3h but might be faster.
Twelve hours later, no answer yet. Honestly, I’m not faulting them. I’ve exhausted all the simple things, and a few of the intermediate solutions. Something else is going on, and nobody online or in the forums seem to be able to pinpoint a likely culprit. On the positive side, the site is working fine for the public-facing stuff. I just can’t load two pages on the back-end. Might be more, I haven’t tested them all, but I’ll wait and see what they come up with…the original server is just about recovered, so they might choose to just put me back to there, which would be fine for the PolyWogg.ca site. I hadn’t updated it in a few weeks while I was on vacation, so I haven’t lost anything. And anything that I DID update, like a comment that might be missing or a book review, I can either live without or replace easy enough. Annoying, not serious yet.
Item 8.2 was an outing for dinner tonight because Jacob starts his new school tomorrow. Normally, we go out for dinner after his first day of school, a mini celebration, but we expect he’ll be pretty tired tomorrow night, so we went tonight instead as a pre-celebration and to distract him a bit. Necessary? No. Fun? Yes. Healthy? Yes.
Item 8.3 isn’t done yet, but I’m going to work on it for the next thirty minutes. I coordinate a little mini-reading club each month, and I haven’t updated badges for July and August yet. I did some preliminary work back in July, just need to close out and catch up.