Castle – Season 6 (TVR00006) – 🐸🐸🐸⚪⚪

The season starts off with Beckett working in Washington, and the whole dynamic just doesn’t work. I like the 3XK stuff and a Carrie-like prank. I’ll even accept the wedding episode. But not a great season overall, one of the lower average scores so far.
Episodes That I Liked
They have some good plots for single episodes — Castle might be dying (E01), dead hackers and Daddy (E012), brawling models and wedding planning (E14), and skateboarders (E21). Beckett going undercover as a Russian is better, but not quite there overall (E17). 3XK comes back around with some clones (E09) and the truth is out there on Beckett’s mom’s murder (E22). But there are three EPs that shine…time travel (E05), a Carrie-like prank (E15), and wedding bells (E23).
Episodes That Were Watchable
Despite the ten episodes I like, there are nine that are merely okay…a repeat of D.O.A. (E02, second part of E01 that was better), monks and treasure hunters (E06), diamonds and gorillas (E08), baby whisperers (E10), and teen divas with decoys (E13). Esposito and Ryan get trapped in a burning building for a very special episode (E11), and it should be awesome, but instead is just okay. The boys also take on ninjas (E18) and the 70s (E20), and again, the premises are awesome, but the mysteries are pretty blah. More kitsch than story. And like most seasons, we need an episode for Alexis so we throw her an innocence project (E07). Yawn.
Episodes That I Didn’t Like
But the bigger issue is that there are four episodes that are just uber-blah. Spies (E03), a fan of Castle/Nikki Heat takes hostages (E04), false memories (E16), and a greedy Wall Street trader (E19) all fall well short of the mark.
List of Episodes from Season 6
S06E01 | Valkyrie | Just like Castle, making Beckett’s case all about him dying | 🐸🐸🐸🐸⚪ |
S06E02 | Dreamworld | D.O.A. redux, with Beckett leading the charge to save Castle | 🐸🐸🐸⚪⚪ |
S06E03 | Need to Know | Screech is a spy, but personal lives always rule outcomes | 🐸🐸⚪⚪⚪ |
S06E04 | Number One Fan | Hostage-taker asks Castle to prove her innocence | 🐸🐸⚪⚪⚪ |
S06E05 | Time Will Tell | If it was about time travel, I would have started with Tuvok | 🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸 |
S06E06 | Get a Clue | Never trust a monk or a treasure hunter with occult symbols | 🐸🐸🐸⚪⚪ |
S06E07 | Like Father, Like Daughter | Alexis reluctantly needs Dad’s help with death row | 🐸🐸🐸⚪⚪ |
S06E08 | Murder is Forever | Diamonds are a gorilla-whisperer’s best friend and murderer | 🐸🐸🐸⚪⚪ |
S06E09 | Disciple | Clones of Lacie and Esposito are more than a little suspiciously 3XKy | 🐸🐸🐸🐸⚪ |
S06E10 | The Good, the Bad and the Baby | Baby whisperer cum murder investigator, no waiting | 🐸🐸🐸⚪⚪ |
S06E11 | Under Fire | Trapped in a burning building? And Castle isn’t the one trapped? | 🐸🐸🐸⚪⚪ |
S06E12 | Deep Cover | A dead hacker and Castle has Daddy issues again | 🐸🐸🐸🐸⚪ |
S06E13 | Limelight | Teen diva’s decoy gets quacked, but who was the target? | 🐸🐸🐸⚪⚪ |
S06E14 | Dressed to Kill | Brawling models, wedding planning, and backstory…nice | 🐸🐸🐸🐸⚪ |
S06E15 | Smells Like Teen Spirit | A Carrie-prank gone wrong | 🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸 |
S06E16 | Room 147 | Multiple confessions, a cult, false memories, and videos | 🐸🐸⚪⚪⚪ |
S06E17 | In the Belly of the Beast | Beckett undercover as Russian | 🐸🐸🐸🐸⚪ |
S06E18 | Way of the Ninja | The boys go head to head with a ninja. Or is it two? | 🐸🐸🐸⚪⚪ |
S06E19 | Greater Good | A greedy Wall Street trader? With money as a motive? Shocking | 🐸🐸⚪⚪⚪ |
S06E20 | That ’70s Show | Flash back time and Ryan & Esposito pull off Starsky & Hutch | 🐸🐸🐸⚪⚪ |
S06E21 | Law & Boarder | Skateboarders, flashbacks, and cam corders — awesome | 🐸🐸🐸🐸⚪ |
S06E22 | Veritas | The Truth is out there on Beckett’s mom’s murder, and rules be damned | 🐸🐸🐸🐸⚪ |
S06E23 | For Better or Worse | Wedding bells? Quickie divorce 1st | 🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸 |
The Bottom Line
Making time travel seem plausible, even to Beckett