Days 11-19 out of 30: A wasteland revisited
The last week has been a wasteland of productivity with many other things intervening. School, appointments, ambulance rides. Yeah, not a great week.
Jacob checked in tonight on his book, Draconic Earth, finishing a chapter and starting a new one. Some of it is foreshadowing major pieces for his eventual conclusion. About 400 words in total.
Andrea is still working on her “cancer journey” story, suitable for future blogging installments but for now, she is writing without editing as she goes. About 2700 words in total.
I did a few blogs in the last week, but not much new writing. I also received some really great feedback from a beta reader on my updated HR guide, Chapter 2 (Understanding yourself), and it took a while to get everything incorporated, updated and saved. It’s mostly camera ready, I think at this point. 3475 “final” words added to the book, bringing the edited total to 7962. That’s a little under 10%, I think. But I’m happy with the progress considering everything else going on in the last week.