R.I.P. Leslie Jordan
For those who loved Will & Grace, they’ll remember some 17 episodes where Leslie Jordan played “Beverley Leslie”. Or 10 EPs of American Horror Story perhaps, or 111 other credits listed on IMDB.com. He is easily recognizable in the tweet from Sean Hayes below.
Yet for me, it isn’t the “big show” that I’ll remember him for…I confess, I didn’t particularly like him on the early EPs of Call Me Kat, or even as a guest star voice on The Great North. I didn’t really see him on Will & Grace, I wasn’t a regular enough viewer. I did, however, like him as a town official way back in ’04 for an episode of Monk, although I saw it only during the pandemic for a binge watch. He was fun back in ’93/94 for episodes of Lois & Clark that I also binge-watched.
No, for me, it was The Cool Kids. The series wasn’t great, but as the young-at-heart gay Sid, Leslie rocked the show. Sure, there were a few EPs where characters flubbed their lines and they just kept rolling which was a bit off-putting (they did the same on Call Me Kat). But he made every episode just a little bit wacky when the others were dropping into standard plot tropes.