Series premiere: Bridge and Tunnel
I don’t what to say about the show as I’m not entirely sure what it is all about. Oh, sure, I know the basics. EPIX created a 1980-based show, with a group of mainly-white college grads ready to take on the world, figuring out their lives post-high school, post-college. They seem way more like high-schoolers than college grads, but whatever. Officially, it is a “dramedy” and if you watched the first EP, you would see it basically means a drama at sitcom length. No laughs, lots of young adult angst. Fabricated drama, not real drama. Their entire drama seems to be related to “now what?”. Yawn.
No, seriously, I was waiting for a car accident. A pregnancy. An overdose. Someone with AIDS symptoms, some THING to care about other than “will they or won’t they”, which was answered in the first 30s.
Maybe drama kicks up when the Bridge and Tunnel set hits Manhattan from Long Island, but why would I care? Perhaps the acting?
Let’s start with the actresses. Caitlin Stasey is the lead, a wannabe fashion designer, and she seems familiar, but I haven’t seen her in any of the credits listed in IMDB. Which means I’m thinking of an older doppelganger, and while I can’t place the original, neither are a bonus. She comes off as a 12yo pretending to be 30, so she has to be brash and smoke aggressively. It looks ridiculous, but at age 52, I’m not the demo they’re going for either. Although I’m not sure WHO they are going for — the young millennials won’t be able to relate either. Seeing her with a big cordless phone in the backyard with an antenna was painful.
Her posse is made up of Gigi Zumbado (nothing remarkable in her credits or her performance) and Izabella Farrell (basic credits). Gigi is basically a parrot for Caitlin, maybe it will end up as some sort of romance thing, while Izabella is the no-nonsense “thinker” who will tell them what to do, despite feeling inferior as she couldn’t handle college.
For the boys, we have Sam Vartholomeos as the lead, Jan Luis Castellanos as his athletic friend, and Brian Muller as the analytical guy who talks too much. Sam was on Star Trek Discovery, and I don’t even remember him. Here? Even less memorable. No drive, no ambition, misses his GF, but his father tells him to keep his eye on the prize and not get distracted, but who knows what the prize is as he was talking mostly about hitchhiking around the country. WTF? Jan Luis has a few more noteworthy credits but still nothing big either. Don’t know him, don’t care. Same deal for Brian. Nothing in the past, nothing in the show.
Oh look, creator Edward Burns plays Dad. How exciting! Snore.
I want 27m of my life back. I have no idea why anyone is funding this other than it was Ed Burns, I guess. EPIX is outside of the normal funding bubble, but I’ll still predict cancellation.