Series premiere: Invasion
My first reaction to Apple TV’s “Invasion” series was based on the description and the trailer. And I was completely confused by two totally different marketing approaches.
Invasion on Apple TV is about an alien invasion, but seems like it is more about how one woman copes, trying to keep her two kids and herself safe, since the father is useless. But I can’t be sure as the description going around looks like “family-during-crisis” while the trailer looks like “monsters-are-here”. Pass, predict cancellation.
I gave EP01 a go, and well, I have NO idea where the woman’s storyline went. The episode looks like simply a generic “aliens are bad” plot. With completely unconnected storylines all over the place.
The only storyline that was mildly interesting was a sheriff who investigates a simple disappearance, assumes it’s the local yokels, and finds a strange crop circle and some crows. Later, there’s a storm of locusts, I think, and it looks almost biblical.
To be honest, I have no real idea what the plan is for the show. It jumped all over, nothing was really happening, and it was slow as molasses. I didn’t care about ANYBODY in the pilot. Well, maybe the crew going to the space station, but that lasts no time at all annnnnnd they’re dead.
I am giving it a hard pass, maybe the writers have some amazing story arc planned, and it takes several EPs to get going. In the meantime, I’m out. And I can’t see it getting renewed, despite the high budget commitment up front.