Series premiere: L.A. to Vegas
The first half of the traditional TV season is over, and it’s time for the mid-season replacements to debut. Back when the announcements were made, here’s what I said about LA to Vegas:
FOX: L.A. to Vegas – Workplace comedy? Sure. Airlines to Vegas? Umm, no – CANCELLED;
Now that I’ve seen the first episode, I’d like to edit that to say, “Umm, HELL no”. If you took all the funny bits from the episode, condensed it down to 4-5 minutes, it wouldn’t make it as an SNL skit. During their slow years.
They had a cute line or two, sure. The opening premise of the stewardess arriving late to work, getting changed as she ran through the terminal, sprinting to the plane past the various passengers in time to get on board and greet the boarders. Her obviously gay steward coworker asks her to confirm if she got dressed in the terminal again, and cue the punchline, “At least I wore underwear this time”. Ba-dum bah.
The lead character is the stewardess and she goes from “I’m trying to get it together” to “existential crisis” to “total confidence in herself” as she flirts with a passenger at the end. All over the map. Wait, I think I have a line for the writers there…
She works with a pilot who’s a one-trick caricature (pilot, drunk, divorced, pathetic), gay co-steward, and a few regular passengers (a stripper, an econ professor, and a gambler), and NONE of the characters are worth watching. I was expecting to see them outside the plane, doing something in Vegas, but it literally is about the flight there, and the flight back. So far, that’s it. Now, don’t get me wrong, you can have a huge successful show where nobody leaves a bar, or even operating a flight terminal, but they’re on a discount airline with the most spacious seating known to man. Really?
As I’m reviewing this, I’m not even bothering to look up the actors’ names, because I really didn’t care that much. I can’t believe this got green-lighted.