Series premiere: Too Old To Die Young
So, someone involved in this TV series either spent way too much time at film school, or has delusions that they can be Quentin Tarantino if they just get some good mood music. I didn’t know much about the show when I went to watch it, something to do with dirty cops, and there wasn’t much in the description that led me to see it as anything but CANCELLATION material. Once I got into it, and saw that it was about a cop who doubles as a hitman, I thought it might have some potential.
Except here’s the thing. The episode I watched was 90 minutes long, and has about five minutes of actual action in it. It was ridiculous. The opening scene to set the mood for the show was almost 5 minutes of people staring out the road saying very little. There’s some random conversation about the one cop and his messed up view of marriage, and when he gets killed about ten minutes in, there’s no real loss. A stop for a shakedown before that runs about 4-5 minutes long, and could have been edited to about 20 seconds without any loss. The whole episode could have been 10 minutes long and you wouldn’t have lost much.
On top of that, the main character who is supposedly being “slowly dragged” into the crime business is an LA sheriff named Martin, played by Miles Teller. Teller has a weird history of roles…Willard in Footloose (the one who can’t dance but loves to fight), Reed in the Fantastic Four, Peter in Divergent+Insurgent. Usually he has some sort of dynamic range, even if it isn’t Oscar-worthy. Here, from start to finish, he’s a robot. It’s like he’s on super-strength Valium. There is NO emotion for almost the entire episode. Why do I care about anything with him? I don’t.
Almost every interaction with every character is him staring at people and them staring back. Conversations that have about 10 seconds of content run 3 minutes. With EVERYONE he meets. It’s like film school masturbation, and the worst show I have seen in years.
I’m going with CANCELLATION, I’m not even going to review the other characters and actors.