Series premiere: Van Helsing – 2016/17
I knew nothing of this show other than its name. Mainly because it is a sci-fi show that isn’t on the big five network rosters, so it didn’t get the standard pre-launch coverage by the media. But I saw it listed, the first Ep is leaked online ahead of the premiere, why not check it out?
It was a lot gorier than I expected, and I confess I am not a fan of the gore. I skipped True Blood because the first episode was blood everywhere, people were practically marinating in it. The Walking Dead never really attracted me. But a vampire slayer that isn’t named Buffy? Sure, I’m willing to give it a go.
The premise is that a volcano erupted, something went wonky somewhere, people started turning into blood drinkers so they’re called vampires. Except there’s a woman who survived an attack and has been sleeping for a while. Maybe 3 years, maybe 3 months, not entirely sure. But the military sent a squad to guard her until relieved, but the relief never came. So one soldier and a vampire doctor are all that’s been left for some time. A bunch of vamps get into the facility, make it all the way to the sleeping girl, one bites her, and then weird shows up. The vamp starts spitting blood, bile, etc., and then dies. She goes wild-ass animal on the other two.
She doesn’t know why she’s there or what’s special about her, but the soldier is committed to keeping her there. Fast-forward through a too-obvious conspiracy, and we find out she can kick butt too, along with self-healing. Or as one of the stray guys trying to survive says, “She’s got super-powers now?”. And then the truly weird happens.
The guy who bit her and died? He isn’t dead. And he isn’t a vampire anymore. Her blood cured him. Dun dun dun. Vanessa Van Helsing has the cure for being a vampire.
Given it’s status on SyFy, it’s already got its 10 episode pickup probably so nothing to predict at this point. Let’s see how the season goes. The soldier isn’t much to listen to, but Van Helsing has some gravitas. As long as they keep the blood flow down, I’m in.