Simple things to improve my life…
It seems a bit out of order to post about additional things I can do after I posted all my goals for the year, but well, an article came my way. Normally, I would reference the article with links but a good part of the article has a bunch of other bias built into it around a vegan lifestyle or getting back to nature in very specific but relatively ridiculous ways, so not all of the content are ideas that I would want to promote. Hence, I’m just lifting some stuff from the list that I found interesting.
Plant spring bulbs, even if they’re just in a pot…I have a desire to “plant something”, and have often thought maybe I’d start with a planter box on my deck or simply an indoor plant.
Keep a bird feeder by a window, ideally the kitchen…I’ve often thought about this, particularly if I could get some interesting smaller birds. The inlaws’ cottage has one, and there are hummingbirds that visit it, but I’ve only rarely seen them.
Set aside 10 minutes a day to do something you really enjoy – be it reading a book or playing video games. I waste way more than 10m a day, that’s for sure, but I’m thinking of something else entirely here. A “treat” I wouldn’t normally do.
Start a Saturday morning with some classical music – it sets the tone for a calm weekend…I do feel like I could benefit from some classical music in the week. My new setup coming soon for my office may make that a bit simpler to do.
Stretch in the morning. And maybe in the evening…stretching is already on my list, but I like the idea of doing it twice a day, at least for some of the stretches.
Make something from scratch…the premise is something like clothing or a bag, i.e., from crafts. I don’t have much luck with that, but I am looking at a bunch of kits and a 3D printer this year.
Listen to the albums you loved as a teenager…that’s an interesting premise all on it’s own for me. I am not, generally, an album person so much as a single song by an artist. There are a few exceptions of course, Fleetwood Mac, Michael Jackson, ACDC, a ton of K-Tel albums hehehe Maybe I’ll dig out the playlists for some of them and give it a go.
None of them are earth-shattering, but they are interesting additions to consider.