For my green goals, I’ve talked about most of them already, or at least the two big ones. I did also vague book about one of the smaller ones, and I’ve now explained in greater detail (Men who like meat!). But the ongoing stuff for green has been relatively absent. I’ve already noted in a previous blog entry that “green” areas are really hard to plan for in some ways, and not conducive to goal setting, tracking, “managing” in normal sense. Case in point — I have no green “bucket list” items to add this year. Let’s start putting the other pieces together though.
GREEN PRIORITIES (Emotion, family, friends)
My two big goals on this for the year are “Jacob and Me” and “Random Acts of Romance (RaR)”, and I have already blogged about both of them.
For the on-going, day to day commitments, I have three general headings:
- Family — with the death of my Mom two years ago, the family lost some of its natural cohesion, leaving any remaining interactions up to us to spark. My brother Mike lives here in town, and we tend to see each other mostly for outings for dinner, so will have to organize those. Sharon and Don live in Peterborough, and I’ll make an effort to continue to engage them both by phone and when I’m in town;
- Friends — I’ve blogged today about my plans to re-kickstart “wing nights” with the guys, and we’ll do another corn roast this summer. I’m looking forward to dinner with a friend from out of town next week, but other than that, we’ll have to make more of a concerted effort to reach out, create “events” to allow get togethers in smaller settings that aren’t giant free-for-alls (which I don’t normally enjoy);
- Community — I want to develop a more systemic approach to charitable giving, although I’m not totally sure what it looks like yet. I will also continue to be involved in the AstroPontiac astronomy project that my friend Stephan is leading. But I think my big contribution will be my social campaign for November. I’m not ready to share details about it yet, but it’s going to take a fair amount of time and energy.
That’s it, that’s all for the green…On to the yellow!