Notorious premiered last week to mediocre numbers, and already there are fans crying for “SaveNotorious” on Twitter. The show is relatively straightforward — a high profile lawyer is friends with a high profile news producer. They have a deal — they never lie to each other, or at least, not outright. Sometimes they don’t share whole truths, but they don’t lie. They do flirt however.
In the opening episode, Jake is the lawyer for a young tech mogul accused of a hit-and-run that killed a 15-year-old kid. He says he wasn’t out driving that night, and he’s been sober for 5 years. However, Julia is the news producer and she breaks the news while Jake is on air for another story. They trade developments, it’s high energy, lots of quick little developments over the course of a few days, all about how they can work with each other — she gets exclusives, he gets to control the narrative for his clients. Most of the story is told through the breaking developments, with some ad hoc comments after the fact to show the producer or the lawyer actually weren’t surprised, they knew all along. For example, as the client leaves a police station, he is stopped by reporters, has a small heartfelt moment and expresses prayers for the family of the kid. Then, as they pull away, Jake says, “Perfect, exactly as we rehearsed it.”
The show had energy, but while I was expecting the story to wrap up this week, it left a big gap at the end, so maybe it continues over several episodes. It was good, it wasn’t great. I originally thought I would sign on for the full season, and I think I’ll give it another episode or two to decide. I also predicted no renewal, but I think I could safely trim that to early cancellation.