Continuing down the Open Access rabbithole, I found the UNESCO-led site, the Global Open Access Portal. You can even narrow it down to just Canadian access sites. Which I did. And then went further down the rabbit hole with some of the following highlights:
- University of PEI;
- Lakehead;
- Library and Archives Canada;
- Laurentian;
- McMaster;
- Memorial;
- Mount Royal;
- Mount Saint Vincent;
- University of Manitoba;
- Mutopia;
- National Research Council;
- University of Regina;
- Queen’s;
- University of Ottawa;
- Waterloo;
- Ryerson;
- Laurier;
- Windsor;
- Western;
- SFU;
- Sheridan;
- UBC;
- Calgary;
- Northern BC;
- Toronto;
- Victoria;
- York;
- Athabasca;
- Brock;
- Carleton;
- Concordia;
- Dalhousie;
- Guelph;
Not just a rabbit hole, a full-size warren!