Today I choose to change how I write about choice (TIC00068f)
So, I am on iteration “f” of my series of posts about the choices I make each day, having broken my “Seinfeld” chain on five previous occasions to go from a through b, c, d and e to get to f. And overall, I’m on 68 days of noting how I’m doing on making conscious choices.
Yet I find myself struggling to find a topic some nights. Often I had a good day, I did make choices, but in some cases it might have been the same choice I made last week that is starting to be part of my routine. Or it was all relatively simple choices, and not really worthy of a post.
A couple of those “breaks” in series were more technical in nature, where I was unable to post for a few days and so I “broke” the chain. I didn’t break the chain of choices, I just broke the chain of writing about it.
And so, I think I’m going to step back from daily blogs about the choices. It met part of its goal, to make me conscious of my decisions, and things are working well. But I think I’m going to switch the series from TIC to “This week I chose” (TWIC, I guess).
The real trick for me though is to see if only writing about it weekly means I stop keeping track so that maybe 9 days from now when I do the first TWIC post, I may not remember what I did during the week. So I’ll have to keep track in a little notebook by the computer. And then pick one of them to write about in detail for the TWIC posts.
Today I choose to change how I write about choice. What choices are you making today?