Today I choose to double-down on work (TIC00081g)
The United Way campaign is kicking my butt at work as I decided to run a bunch of trivia games and getting them to work the way I want them to in MS teams is taking a little big of work to finagle. Plus my co-coordinator and I are doing a whole bunch of event coordination, and since I’m a techie type compared to most, I am involved in lots of things I probably don’t need to be. 🙂
But today I decided to double-down on work. Next week is a REALLY busy week for work + the campaign, and I need to have all the balls rolling/flying/bouncing where they need to be. Monday is a whole bunch of test events to make sure everyone knows how things work; Tuesday is a 3 hour meeting I’m hosting for the technical side with break-out groups in MS Teams even though MS Teams doesn’t DO breakout groups (hah! Take THAT Microsoft!); Wednesday I have a bit of breathing space; Thursday is my first live trivia event with individuals, so far only about 10 people playing. Friday is a chance to breathe again. Monday to Friday I’m also running trivia by email, doing my REAL day job, and just generally bopping along.
Which means I doubled-down today to pre-set a whole bunch of things up for Monday’s test sessions, pre-saved files where they need to be, added links in all my meeting invites, tested a few things, etc. We had a meeting today with Heritage to talk about their trivia game and how it is working, which was uber helpful. And then my bilat with my boss confirmed that I’m generally good-to-go for my workplan for my team, with a few big details to be worked out.
But to get everything going? I basically worked until about 6:15, took a break until around 9:00 or so, and then did another 3h tonight to nail it all. Powerpoint, MS Teams, my own website — I was using EVERYTHING. About six things off my to do list that were going to make my Monday relatively insane. I don’t want to work on any of them over the weekend, so I’m quite happy to just be “done” in advance and hope that Monday gives me a bit of time to work on Thursday’s stuff.
I don’t really like messing up my work/life balance, and I don’t do it very often at this point in my career, but it got the job done. And it means I can stop worrying about stuff the rest of the weekend too and focus on home chores. (Oh, wait. Is that a yay or a nay? Hmm..). Heck, I even managed to squeeze in some volunteer work today for astronomy with the public library.
I rock.
Today I choose to double-down on work and get a bunch of stuff out of the way for Monday.
What choices are you making?