2015 – Update on heart goals – Week 7
Time to do a quick update, here at the end of week 7.
I’m not doing that well on my two big goals — better engagement with Jacob and random acts of romance. While I’ve made some progress on both, I haven’t yet rolled over the tipping point to make it 3-4 times per week, which was the goal.
On the social side, I’ve continued to reach out to my siblings, and to my male friends for the “mid-month meat madness for men” i.e. wing night. Tonight is my second outing for the wings, and since my brother Mike is coming along, I’ll double-count that as a win. On the sibling front, I think it will be a difficult time for one sibling + sibling-in-law over the coming few months, and while I certainly don’t want to get actively involved in their reconfiguration of their life, I also want them to know that they have my relatively-unconditional support and empathy for the journey.
My plans for my big social campaign are progressing slower than I would like, and I’m considering forming an advisory panel to give me advice on a few things. Of course, I’d have to swear them to secrecy on pain of wet willies, because I don’t want the campaign leaking before the launch, so I have to figure out how to get them to swear to not tell anyone before I tell them what it is. Trusting little sort, aren’t I?
AstroPontiac has been relatively silent for me, although Stephan is working away at it with encouraging results. I’m optimistic it might bear some fruit before the summer is out.
I moved away from the charity focus, but I didn’t really plan to do much on that before April / May or so, so not too worried. Equally, not surprisingly, I haven’t thought at all about the summer Corn Roast plans.
Overall, as with the mind, I’d have to rate my progress at a very weak yellow, bordering on red.