Block options in WordPress – Default Gutenberg blocks
As I mentioned, I’ve been trying out various blocks in WordPress, and I’m starting with the default ones pre-programmed with Gutenberg’s basic install.
There are a number of blocks that I quite like:
- regular paragraph (although I’d like more Tiny MCE buttons);
- classic paragraph (boring, but not much choice but to keep it with all my old posts);
- headers (dead simple, adds structure to the page);
- NGG gallery (my images didn’t have captions for some reason but I like the extra container controls);
- video block (simple container);
- code block (I don’t really have much use for it, but easier than trying to put it in a pull quote);
- basic button (radius for corners, multiple colours, and, more importantly, it autofills links to pages and posts on the site);
- columns (feels like I’m on a site like Shutterfly choosing page layouts…I love the power, just not sure when I would use it too much, but admittedly the background colour options are really nice);
- embed (pretty powerful, lots of options, including things like embedding a tweet);
I’m on the fence for a few others:
- image block (I already use NGG for everything image related, but it has the option to change the image to a circle too!);
- quote block (different sizes, but the citation isn’t as controllable);
- cover block (a large page with the option to change opacity and add a title overtop, great for previews and sliders, but I don’t really need it);
- file block (allows easy downloads, but I have a download manager that handles it just as well, and tracks traffic);
- dividers (great for the small one, and the wide one, not sure about the three dots);
- table (nothing special, although stripes is easy);
- custom HTML (rarely have use for it, except when I’m embedding things);
- pullquote (good simple info box);
- verse (allows you basically a quick and dirty courier / ASCII layout, but not sure why);
- media and text (I should love this one, but I just found the granularity for the image controls and text a bit weak);
Other ones, I don’t particularly like:
- gallery from media library (no use for it when I have NGG);
- list block (boring!);
- audio block (no use for it);
- preformatted (boring!);
I didn’t try the GROUP, MORE, or PAGE BREAK ones as I have no real use for them. Same with widgets that allow me to add widgets, shortcodes, archives, calendar, categories, comments, posts, RSS, and search — can’t think of when I would ever post them in a post or page.
I have YOAST installed, and it adds a few default ones too, including FAQ and a how-to layout for step by step instructions. Could prove useful, although I don’t have an immediate need.
Jetpack adds GIFs (mildly interesting) and a five-star rating system (too basic). On to the other block plugin options!
Update: To see my current collection of blocks, check out the blocks I use.