The real countdown to retirement begins…
I’ve posted previously about the # of days, such as 1500 or 1400 or 1300. I forced those milestones, tried to organize my thoughts around 100 day increments. It didn’t really work as a ritual.
However, if I glance at my countdown clock on the page to the right, I see it saying 1094 days and some hours as change, which doesn’t mean much. Well, until you realize that it is three years from today. That will be my last day of work. I’ve mentioned already that I chose my father’s birthday as my target date, the day he would have turned 100. There’s a symbolic element in there that helps crystallize my thoughts.
In the meantime, it now divides my remaining time. Over the next year, there are a series of things I need to prepare, organize, figure out, etc. in order to be in the right spot financially, intellectually, emotionally, spiritually and physically when my last day comes. I want to give myself the maximum chance of transitioning “well” to retirement. However I choose to define that, in the next three years. One obvious thing is my physical health, particularly for my lower back and the ability to be able to do certain movements when I do certain activities like kayaking.
I’m spending a lot of time right now on rituals, as a couple of the goals in the next year are going to challenge me. In the same way that I need to make some new investments over the next three years, I also want to combine some of my traditional approaches to goal-setting and achievement with extra enhancements through ritual and ceremony. Some don’t need it; they’re easy; others would benefit from a full-court press.
Tonight, I treated myself out to simple nachos at a restaurant by myself. I’ll do something similar 35 more times until I get to the last day, taking stock as I go. Wish me luck.