Watching Continuum – S01E02, Fast Times
The second episode of the series aired, and my first thought was, “Already? They’re trying to get home already?”. Of course, the series is going to contain those elements, just as shows like ST: Voyager did. The time jumpers are stranded, they want to get home, I get it. But it’s not like episode 2 is going to really help the storyline, is it? Overall, the episode is fine, with Lucas having figured out a way to power the time travel device using technology from 2012. As a small niggling, nitpicky detail, Lucas said in the previous episode that it was a one-way trip, no way back. And he was under truth serum at the time, so he couldn’t lie. Yet, just one episode later, he’s figured out a way to power the device to go the other way. A little too convenient for the storyline, in my view, but small details. Kellog announces that he prefers to remain behind and it will be interesting to see where it goes.
There’s a subplot where Kiera’s cover is blown, and is arrested by Carlos. Yet there is nothing to arrest her for, she hasn’t done anything actually illegal in this timeframe — she impersonated a Portland police officer, but they’re not in Portland. Again, small details, and she manages to escape, but overall the dynamic is a little too forgiving of her transgressions and gaps in her story. Kiera’s character continues to come across “torn” between two worlds, and as long as she’s not breaking down in tears, it works. One down-side to the storyline is that there is a huge shootout, and the cops must be the worst shooters in history — while Liber8 members seem able to pick off SWAT team people easily, nobody even comes close to hitting any of Liber8.