I’ve already reviewed the default blocks in WordPress plus nine other collections, with Stackable winning most head-to-head battles. I’m in the market for something that will do interesting tables without having to generate them from a database, but I’m also always open to new Block collections.
Let’s go through the collection of blocks:
Accordion: it is nice, simple, has a header and colour options, but I already have a good one with Stackable and an even better one with Kadence. Pass.
Alert: I’m impressed, as it is a nice simple box with a spot for a title and a background in one of four main preset styles and colours, although the colours can be altered. I’m tempted to keep it around just because it is a quick way to do a text box with light colours in it.
Author: Like many other profile boxes, nothing special.
Carousel: I have no need for a carousel as I use NextGen Gallery and it isn’t compatible. But in addition, for some reason, the images I inserted didn’t seem to line up properly for the top and bottom.
Click to Tweet: Not bad, prepopulate some text you want people to share, they click, and it will copy to Twitter along with a link to your page. Another I have no need for.
Collage: This is a really cool block, where you can have 4 or 5 pics laid out for you like a photo book, with a bit of overlap. Cool way to do a layout. I can’t think what I would use it for, but it’s different.
Dynamic HR: If you were into HTML, you’d remember HR was the code for a horizontal line. Otherwise you’d have no idea what this was. And it’s pretty bland…dots or a line, coloured, thickness.
Event: Wow, this is terrible. Bad layout, almost no styling, no box around it. You could do better on a typewriter.
Features: Logo / icon, title, text. Nothing special.
Food & Drink: If you were doing a menu, great little block. Section heading, title for the item along with icons for popular, spicy, vegetarian, adjustable sizes and fonts, prices, descriptions.
Form: Defaults for Contact, RSVP or Event, nothing special.
GIF: inserting from GIPHY, already covered with other plugins as standard embed.
GIST: inserting code from GITHUB, just as easily covered by code blocks, although I suppose it would be live update, no use for it.
Hero: Call to action with two buttons, nothing special.
Highlight: Simple line of highlighted text…which you could do in any paragraph block?
Icon: Pretty simple set of icons to choose from, hard to tell, you can’t see them all, change colour and size. Yawn.
Logos & Badges: Quick way to insert images from the media library, but for no special purpose other than perhaps to show them in grayscale? IDK.
Map: Standard insert from Google.
Masonry: Nothing special, and only works with default media library.
Media Card: Decent layout, you can insert video, but limited layout options.
Offset Gallery: Okay, nothing special, just irregular gallery.
Posts: Nothing special.
Post Carousel: Nothing special.
Pricing Table: This is the one that I really hoped would lead somewhere. It made it sound like you could do a sophisticated table. Nope, just pricing boxes.
Row: Actually it’s simple columns.
Services: Same as pricing table but with images.
Shape Divider: Eight choices, not bad, nothing fancy.
Share: Simple sharing icons.
Social profiles: Mirror image of Share for your own profiles.
Stacked gallery: You rarely see this but it is a gallery with all the images one above the other, full width. Or you could just insert them individually and have more control over them.
Wow. So I was mostly interested in the “Pricing Table” which turned out to be simply boxes side by side. The rest are okay, nothing very robust, a tier-2 set of blocks overall. I could use the Alert or the Collage, they’re different, but not enough to warrant leaving the whole collection installed for two blocks I will rarely use.