I thought I was mostly caught up on all my website stuff, and more or less ready for posting various reviews to come. Recipes. Podcasts. Music in general. Books, TV and movies were already down.
So imagine my surprise when I went to do my updates for some of the other items, just to give myself a baseline for my goals and I realized that a bunch of things that were ON my website were not actually live. The music reviews were still in pending from my last migration. Podcasts sitting in draft.
I could live with that reality, sort of shrugged it off as “Oh, I guess I didn’t get to those before”. Okay, no big deal.
And then I realized that for my recipes, even though I had put a whopping TWO of them on the newly-configured site almost a year ago, I find of forgot to add any way to find them. No links in the menus. No sub-menus for recipes at all. If you searched the site, and knew what you were looking for, sure, they would have popped up. But it was a bit of a dodge to get there.
So I fixed the other six recipes that are on there AND put up multiple sub-menu options to aid in navigation.
Then I did the music ones. Plus some podcasts. And added all the sub-menu options for those too.
And just for fun, I did some book reviews this weekend too. Two fiction ones and one non-fiction. I have a somewhat large back-log of book reviews to do, and I’ve been trying to figure out how to get through them in an orderly fashion. I’ve decided they will be part of my writing goals, so I’ll try to do an “old” review of something in my “TO BE REVIEWED” pile every time I do a “NEWLY READ” review too. That means probably several years to get through the backlog, but I’m not in a rush. I’d just like to be a bit better organized.
Of course, I also had to organize my desktop files and make backups of all of this to various “mirror” sites and my own desktop plus cloud options.
I’m not done, but it was a busy weekend for updating my website. I *think* I have all the indices working the way they are supposed to, but only time will tell.