Season premiere: Sleepy Hollow
When we last saw Sleepy Hollow, Molloch was vanquished, and with him went Ichabod’s love of his life, Katrina. Sure, her soul had been corrupted, but nevertheless, they were ill-fated lovers across time and space, without the TARDIS to help. The portal was closed, the danger had passed, so what now, brown cow?
Well, apparently the writers were looking for some change. So, they dumped the Sheriff’s Office, sent Abby to Quantico, made her a field agent, and now she works for the FBI, albeit still in Sleepy Hollow. Better digs, some kick ass science to back them up, some federal resources to access, a better badge. Cool. Of course, Abby did all this because it was time to get on with her life and back on the path she was on before she became one of the two witnesses from the Bible prophecies. And it was easy to do, because Ichabod went on a walkabout.
He went to England, and Scotland, in search of his ancestral roots. For nine months. With nary a postcard. Abby’s a bit like the lost high school sweetheart who got left behind while the hero went off to see the bright lights of the big city. Well, good old Ichabod is back and anticipating demons. He thinks their role as witnesses is not yet complete — rather, they have seen just the first of the seven tribulations.
As a viewer, you know already that he is right. A woman appeared out of a lightning strike, and basically singlehandedly turned the horseman of war / Abraham into mist, dissipated him into a box, and released a demon of fear instead. She’s obviously a very beautiful and powerful witch. And it isn’t until the very end of the episode that you find out who she is. I have a suspicion there will be another twist along the way about her identity and who she was in the past as well, but for now, her identity is known to the viewers, but not really to the witnesses.
Jenny was in the episode too, but everyone and everything else is changed. The archives have to be relocated, they have a new office for Abby to work in, and most of the non-demon stuff seems brighter, shinier even. The demon solution was rather simple and easy, followed by a ridiculous reunion scene for the witnesses while they comfort each other, totally ignoring the fact that moments earlier, JENNY WAS STRUCK DOWN BY THE DEMON and they have no idea if she’s lying dead or dying, but yes, indeed, let’s hug it out before we check on her.
But I’m glad the show is back, I’ve missed it. Mostly because the network has screwed around with the number of episodes (18 last year instead of standard 22-26) and timing (the show wrapped pretty early, February or March?), not to mention a long hiatus over Xmas. You’d swear they were trying to kill the show. I hope not, I’ve missed you too, Ichabod and Abby. Jenny? Not so much.