After being mostly destroyed at the end of Season 1, SHIELD fought itself through most of Season 2, at least when it wasn’t dealing with external threats to its existence. The season ended with things relatively back together, although people still think SHIELD is dead. So, with new inhumans cropping up around the globe (mainly the U.S. now), the US govt has created a new group, the ATC to deal with the threat. SHIELD thinks ATC is snatching inhumans, ATC thinks SHIELD is killing them, and since Hydra is dormant, who the heck is involved?
Skye is now going by her original name, Daisy, and her dad had his memory wiped so that’s off the table. The Cavalry has gone on extended walkabout. Coulson’s dealing with a new robotic hand, the team is trying to help new inhumans transition, and oh yeah, Fitz is trying to find out if Simmons is dead at the hands of the monolith or somehow trapped inside. Just another day in the life of SHIELD.
The episode was okay, although it isn’t clear to me if SHIELD is recruiting stormtroopers at this point, or they’re happy just relying on Daisy and friends. Mutant X / X-Men this isn’t and there’s no school for the gifted. Alien DNA is becoming activated in the general population, and expectation is worldwide contamination in 17 months. Every potential will become a reality. A nice way to set the mood for the year.
It was a pretty light episode, more laying ground markers for the rest of the season I suppose. However, it was nice to see Lincoln on the show still. Hope he doesn’t get killed anytime soon. But I need the Cavalry back too.