I mentioned the other day that my “reorg” state for my office, basement, etc. was getting to me, and while taking a break to cleanse the palate, or making progress was good, they’re minor mitigations for a larger malaise.
I don’t want to oversell how bad things are, I’m doing okay, making progress. A major phase will be done by next Friday I think, another by the following Friday, and fingers crossed, all of it by the end of September. A true reason for celebrating Thanksgiving, so to speak. 🙂
But I was feeling like the basement had become a construction site, not an office where I work at my normal job.
Tonight, I decided to sort a bunch of stuff around, move some major pieces from A to B, and be ready for the end of Phase I and the start of Phase II (although the numbering is getting confusing to me, I don’ t know what my phases are anymore). In the end, it’s workable. I’ll take some photos to add to the long piece when I do my before / after post some time in early October.
It looks and feels functional. Andrea and I even sat on the couch tonight for a bit in the middle of another project just to relax and enjoy the quiet and slightly cooler basement. Without the A/C on, it’s mostly livable down here! I hope I feel that way when winter comes.
And it should help my brain manage the “renovation” / “reorganization” stress.
Today I choose to clean up my reorg space to make it more usable and less like a construction site. I’m also going to take Saturday and Sunday off from posting, a clean weekend break.
What choices are you making today?