Gratitude for Impromptu Organizing
Gratitude entry #9…Today I am grateful for an impromptu organizing session. As you can see from my blog, I’ve been on a “goal” kick. My wife, by contrast, is more on a “get organized” kick as her main goal, with her targets ranging from desks to playrooms.
As mentioned too in my goals, this year’s big goal for us together is a kitchen renovation. We have a decent amount of cupboard space in our kitchen, good size, but the island shape sucks. It’s got a small bend in it to make it more open going into the playroom and to give a bit more room by the table, but it really screws up the kitchen area when you’re loading the dishwasher.
But this isn’t about that. This is about 22 shelves we have in our cupboards. Today, out of the blue, we reorganized the stuff on 18 of those shelves. It wasn’t planned, it just sort of mushroomed and we went crazy in the kitchen. We turfed a few things, rearranged just about everything. Well, not quite. The cereal stayed put (it’s the only shelf high enough and deep enough). Time will tell if we got it right, but I like the basics so far. A bunch of related things were kind of spread out before, and they’re all together (tea, coffee, a teapot, hot chocolate, etc.). Our pasta sauce is with the grains they go with. We ditched the “extra” rice bag we had up on another shelf, poured it in a smaller container, put it with the other rice and the rest of the grains and pasta.
We also decided that we have a past affinity for alcohol that isn’t really current, so we have a lot of small bottles of stuff we don’t drink. I think the cottage will inherit some of it. We’re not crazy, we kept some. But really, when am I going to use a daiquiri mix or a blue curacao? I don’t even know if I spelled those right! About the only lament I had was a really nice bottle of vodka that I once planned to consume.
That’s it for today — gratefulness for an impromptu organizing session that looks like it was highly effective. Onward in the journey…