Today I choose to do my chores (TIC00075g)
Okay, well, not ALL my chores. It’s fall and a decent enough day to start the seasonal swap of things from the garage to the shed (lawnmower, bicycles) and from the shed to the garage (mostly snowblower and shovels). I also moved the winter tires over as I have the car getting serviced on Monday and they’ll swap tires at the same time. I usually aim for November 15th, but they called a couple of weeks ago to prompt service so I went ahead and booked. It’s not like I’m driving anywhere though. We also did a grocery pickup today. Nothing too exciting. Oooh, three loads of laundry too…how exciting is THAT? Or burgers on the BBQ in November?
Today I choose to do (some of) my chores. Tomorrow, we’ll close up the gazebo and soon I’ll have to really finish sorting the garage so I can park in there for the winter.
What choices are you making?