#MoreJoy – Day 29 of 31 – Music lessons
I have almost no musical ability at all. I can’t sing, I have no rhythm for dancing, I can’t play any instruments. I hope to learn how to play a song or two on our piano just to keep my brain agile as I get older and for fun, but I admire those who can play anything. Even a kazoo if they can do it well.
So I’m not saying that I am taking music lessons and am enjoying them.
No, I mean that I enjoy that Jacob is doing music lessons. I like listening to him practice, I like his recitals when he participates. I like occasionally when I’m listening that he’ll play a couple of the older songs he learned a few years ago that I really enjoyed. Like even This Is It (the Looney Tunes song).
He’s not ready for a concert hall performance, of course, but he could be doing chopsticks, and I’d enjoy it. Well, for the first hour anyway. Just hearing him play anything brings me #MoreJoy.