C is for Corpse by Sue Grafton (1986) – BR00129 (2019) – 🐸🐸🐸⚪⚪
Plot or Premise
Kinsey meets an accident victim in physical rehab, and he wants her to find out who ran him off the road and why.
What I Liked
Kinsey gets to know Bobby in the early stages of the case, and the mystery of the case is intriguing. It takes a while for the pinball to hit enough buzzers to do anything, particularly as his only real evidence is that he remembers knowing “something” and that he was in danger, but not what it was or from whom. The further developments of Kinsey’s character and her sense of justice are awesome.
What I Didn’t Like
One of the sub-characters, his step-sister, is a caricature and a wasted distraction. Equally, another sub-story with someone trying to take advantage of Henry is both obvious and boring.
The Bottom Line
A decent story but not a home run